The 7th Leman China swine conference and world swine industry expo
Ceva launches Altresyn at Leman China
Around 3,000 Chinese veterinarians attended the Leman China congress in Zhengzhou, from 19 to 21 October 2018. They listened to lectures by experts from around the globe, about a variety of topics. Ceva showed its commitment to the Chinese pig industry (which has roughly 50% of all sows worldwide) by serving as a Platinum Sponsor for the event.
For Ceva, the event was a great platform to launch Altresyn (oral altrenogest, an analogue of progesterone). Dr John Carr (James Cook University, Queensland Australia) held a keynote presentation on batch management, highlighting the key benefits of this farm planning strategy. Also, Ceva’s Dr Daniel Sperling presented the key features and benefits of Altresyn during a gala dinner with key customers, celebrating the launch of the product.
Altresyn is already global market leader, and now will also help Chinese farm managers and veterinarians optimizing their swine operations while reducing their costs.