Efficacy comparison of live Aujeszky’s disease vaccines in pigs
Vilmos Palya, István Kiss, Balázs Felföldi, Roman Krejci
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Aujeszky disease (AD)is a major pig disease characterized by respiratory, reproductive and nervous signs, and accounts for devastating economic losses to pig industry.
AUPHYL® Plus/ AUPHYL® P (attenuated live) vaccine offers antibody-related and cell-mediated immunity. Its “deleted” strain allows serological differentiation between vaccinated animals and those actually infected by the virus. The MNC+/10a strain is the latest strain against Aujeszky disease (AD). It is the fruit of the longest experience in AD control, coming from our production campus of PHYLAXIA in Budapest, Hungary, where the first vaccine against AD was elaborated by Dr Adorjan BARTHA. AUPHYL® Plus is specially recommended to elaborate an eradication program in an affected farm.
Strongest seroconversion
Fastest reduction of virus shedding
Opportunity to combine with other vaccines (Coglapix, Coglapest)
Vilmos Palya, István Kiss, Balázs Felföldi, Roman Krejci
Efficacy-comparison- (225.20 KB)DownloadFrom one country to another, product lines are adapted to local demand and regulatory requirements. For further information, please take a look at the CEVA Santé Animale site for your country. Warning: the information provided on the products depends on national registrations. Access to technical information is restricted to authorised persons.