Ceva Lung Program
Welcome to Ceva Lung Program!
The Ceva Lung Program Scoring Methodology is designed to assist in identifying the correct diagnosis of respiratory disease through the evaluation of lungs at slaughter. It also enables discovery of subclinical infections that were not noted during the growing period and quantification of the lesions. Therefore, it is used to determine the appropriate vaccination protocol and monitor the results of vaccination with Coglapix®, Hyogen® and Auphyl® Plus.
This iPad/Android application allows recording of lung scores, processing and summarizing the results, storing and sending the final data.
For more information see: Ceva Lung Program Methodology
From one country to another, product lines are adapted to local demand and regulatory requirements. For further information, please take a look at the CEVA Santé Animale site for your country. Warning: the information provided on the products depends on national registrations. Access to technical information is restricted to authorised persons.