PRRSV (Porcine Reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus) is one of the most loss-causing agents in the global swine production. Partly due to reproductive losses plus birth of weak and viremic piglets from females viremic between day 70 of gestation and farrowing, partly due to the immunosuppressive action and respiratory disease in the infected naïve animal at any age. The virus is highly mutating and easily recombining between different strains into entirely new strains of potential high virulence. To control PRRSV on endemic farms internal biosecurity is key, which very often is an unfulfilled challenge. Finally, the single optimal PRRSV vaccine is not yet developed; MLV (modified live virus) PRRS vaccines have strong protection for “own” strain but poor cross-protection. INV (inactivated virus) PRRS vaccines have poor protection, when applied in naïve animals. However, Progressis produces a clinical and colostral protection when applied on previously naturally infected or MLV vaccinated animals. The optimal and safest PRRSV vaccination schedule is the Progressis Prime-Boost Concept, keeping breeding stock and new born PRRSV negative, with the potential of producing PRRSV negative piglets out of nurseries (app. 10 woa) depending on quality of biosecurity.
Why choose Progressis?
Safety (no live virus on farm)
Efficacy (better stabilization of the farm after a PRRSv outbreak)
Stable reproductive performances
The Science behind
Measuring How Recombination Re-shapes the Evolutionary History of PRRSV-2: A Genome-Based Phylodynamic Analysis of the Emergence of a Novel PRRSV-2 Variant
Nakarin Pamornchainavakul, Mariana Kikuti, Igor A. D. Paploski, Dennis N. Makau, Albert Rovira, Cesar A. Corzo and Kimberly VanderWaal
The use of a whole inactivated PRRS virus vaccine administered in sows and impact on maternally derived immunity and timing of PRRS virus infection in piglets
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Respiporc Flu 3 and Respiporc Flu Pan H1N1, the registered range of Influenza vaccines, which delivers the broadest protection against Swine Influenza A Virus (swIAV).
The most efficacious vaccine to protect against reproductive failures & Erysipelas caused by PPV & Ery with exclusive, proven efficacy and maximum safety in its application.
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